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├──entry/src/main/ets // 代码区 │ ├──common │ │ ├──constansts │ │ │ └──Constants.ets // 常量类 │ │ └──utils │ │ ├──FileUtil.ets // 文件工具类 │ │ ├──HttpUtil.ets // 网络请求 │ │ ├──Logger.ets // Logger公共类 │ │ └──ToastUtil.ets // Toast弹窗 │ ├──entryability │ │ └──EntryAbility.ets // 程序入口类 │ ├──pages │ │ ├──MainPage.ets // 新闻列表主页面 │ │ └──NewsEditPage.ets // 新闻发布页面 │ ├──view │ │ ├──FailureLayout.ets // 请求失败布局 │ │ ├──LoadingLayout.ets // 加载中布局 │ │ ├──LoadMoreLayout.ets // 加载更多布局 │ │ ├──NewsItem.ets // 新闻Item │ │ ├──NewsList.ets // 新闻列表 │ │ ├──NoMoreLayout.ets // 没有更多数据布局 │ │ ├──RefreshLayout.ets // 下拉刷新布局 │ │ └──UploadingLayout.ets // 上传中布局 │ └──viewmodel │ ├──GlobalContext.ets // 全局变量管理 │ ├──NewsData.ets // 新闻数据 │ ├──NewsTypeModel.ets // 新闻类型 │ ├──NewsTypeViewModel.ets // 新闻类型ViewModel │ ├──NewsViewModel.ets // 新闻列表ViewModel │ ├──RefreshListViewModel.ets // 刷新列表ViewModel │ ├──RefreshLoadingClass.ets // 刷新布局模型 │ └──ResponseResult.ets // 网络请求数据模型 ├──entry/src/main/resources // 资源文件 └──HttpServerOfNews // 服务端代码 |
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$ cd HttpServerOfNews $ npm install $ npm start |
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export default class Constants { /** * The host address of the server. */ static readonly SERVER: string = ''; /** * Get the news type. */ static readonly GET_NEWS_TYPE: string = 'news/getNewsType'; /** * Get the news list. */ static readonly GET_NEWS_LIST: string = 'news/getNewsList'; /** * Get the news list. */ static readonly UPLOAD_NEWS: string = 'news/addNews'; /** * Upload File */ static readonly UPLOAD_FILE: string = '/files/upload'; /** * UploadFile */ static readonly IMAGE_PREFIX: string = '/images/'; /** * url of NewsUploadPage */ static readonly NEWS_EDIT_PAGE: string = 'pages/NewsEditPage' /** * The request success status code. */ static readonly SERVER_CODE_SUCCESS: string = 'success'; /** * The off set coefficient. */ static readonly Y_OFF_SET_COEFFICIENT: number = 0.1; /** * The page size. */ static readonly PAGE_SIZE: number = 10; /** * The refresh and load height. */ static readonly CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT: number = 70; /** * Gt tab data current page. */ static readonly GET_TAB_DATA_CURRENT_PAGE: number = 1; /** * Http request success status code. */ static readonly HTTP_CODE_200: number = 200; /** * The animation delay time. */ static readonly DELAY_ANIMATION_DURATION: number = 300; /** * The delay time. */ static readonly DELAY_TIME: number = 1000; /** * The animation duration. */ static readonly ANIMATION_DURATION: number = 2000; /** * The http timeout duration. */ static readonly HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT: number = 10000; /** * Content maxLine. */ static readonly CONTENT_MAX_LINE: number = 3; /** * List space. */ static readonly LIST_SPACE: number = 12; /** * Item img space. */ static readonly ITEM_IMG_SPACE: number = 8; /** * Type font weight. */ static readonly TYPE_FONT_WEIGHT: number = 700; /** * Title font weight. */ static readonly TITLE_FONT_WEIGHT: number = 500; /** * Desc font weight. */ static readonly DESC_FONT_WEIGHT: number = 400; /** * Type aspect ratio. */ static readonly TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO: number = 2; /** * Desc opacity. */ static readonly DESC_OPACITY: number = 0.6; /** * 100 percent. */ static readonly FULL_PERCENT: string = '100%'; /** * Divider width. */ static readonly DIVIDER_WIDTH: string = '90%'; /** * Release title. */ static readonly RELEASE_TITLE: string = '新闻发布'; } /** * The RefreshConstant constants. */ export const enum RefreshConstant { DELAY_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH = 50, CLOSE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH_TIME = 150, DELAY_SHRINK_ANIMATION_TIME = 500 } /** * The refresh state enum. */ export const enum RefreshState { DropDown = 0, Release = 1, Refreshing = 2, Success = 3, Fail = 4 } /** * The newsList state enum. */ export const enum PageState { Loading = 0, Success = 1, Fail = 2 } /** * The file upload state enum. */ export const enum UploadingState { COMPLETE = 'complete', FAIL = 'fail' } /** * The request method enum. */ export const enum RequestMethod { POST = 'POST', GET = 'GET' } /** * The request content type enum. */ export const enum ContentType { JSON = 'application/json', FORM = 'multipart/form-data' } |
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import { fileIo } from '@kit.CoreFileKit'; import { request } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit'; import { picker } from '@kit.CoreFileKit'; import Constants, { ContentType, RequestMethod, UploadingState } from '../constants/Constants'; import ResponseResult from '../../viewmodel/ResponseResult'; import Logger from './Logger'; import { showToast } from './ToastUtil'; /** * PhotoViewPicker * * @returns uri The uri for the selected file. */ export async function fileSelect(): Promise<string> { let photoSelectOptions = new picker.PhotoSelectOptions(); photoSelectOptions.MIMEType = picker.PhotoViewMIMETypes.IMAGE_TYPE; photoSelectOptions.maxSelectNumber = 1; let photoPicker = new picker.PhotoViewPicker(); try { let photoSelectResult = await photoPicker.select(photoSelectOptions); if (photoSelectResult && photoSelectResult.photoUris && photoSelectResult.photoUris.length > 0) { let imgUri = photoSelectResult.photoUris[0]; if (imgUri.indexOf('media/Photo')<0) { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_select_img')); return ''; } return photoSelectResult.photoUris[0]; } else { return ''; } } catch (err) { Logger.error('SelectedImage failed', JSON.stringify(err)); return ''; } } /** * Upload file. * * @param context Indicates the application BaseContext. * @param fileUri The local storage path of the file. * @returns the promise returned by the function. */ export function fileUpload(context: Context, fileUri: string): Promise<ResponseResult> { // Obtaining the Application File Path. let cacheDir = context.cacheDir; let imgName = fileUri.split('/').pop() + '.jpg'; let dstPath = cacheDir + '/' + imgName; let url: string = Constants.SERVER + Constants.UPLOAD_FILE; let uploadRequestOptions: request.UploadConfig = { url: url, header: { 'Content-Type': ContentType.FORM }, method: RequestMethod.POST, files: [{ filename: imgName, name: 'file', uri: 'internal://cache/' + imgName, type: 'jpg' }], data: [] }; let serverData = new ResponseResult(); return new Promise((resolve: Function, reject: Function) => { try { // Copy the URI to the cacheDir directory and upload the file. let srcFile = fileIo.openSync(fileUri); let dstFile = fileIo.openSync(dstPath, fileIo.OpenMode.READ_WRITE | fileIo.OpenMode.CREATE); fileIo.copyFileSync(srcFile.fd, dstFile.fd); fileIo.closeSync(srcFile); fileIo.closeSync(dstFile); // Upload the file. request.uploadFile(context, uploadRequestOptions).then((data: request.UploadTask) => { data.on(UploadingState.COMPLETE, (result: Array<request.TaskState>) => { Logger.info('uploadFile success', JSON.stringify(result)); if (result && result.length >= 1) { serverData.code = Constants.SERVER_CODE_SUCCESS; serverData.msg = result[0].message; serverData.data = Constants.IMAGE_PREFIX + result[0].path.split('/').pop(); resolve(serverData); } }); data.on(UploadingState.FAIL, (result: Array<request.TaskState>) => { Logger.info('uploadFile failed', JSON.stringify(result)); if (result && result.length >= 1) { serverData.msg = $r('app.string.upload_error_message'); reject(serverData); } }) }).catch((err: Error) => { Logger.error('uploadFile failed', JSON.stringify(err)); reject(serverData); }); } catch (err) { Logger.error('uploadFile failed', JSON.stringify(err)); reject(serverData); } }) } |
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import { http } from '@kit.NetworkKit'; import { NewsData } from '../../viewmodel/NewsData'; import ResponseResult from '../../viewmodel/ResponseResult'; import Constants, { ContentType } from '../constants/Constants'; /** * Initiate an HTTP GET request to the specified URL. * * @param url URL for initiating an HTTP request. */ export function httpRequestGet(url: string) { return httpRequest(url, http.RequestMethod.GET); } /** * Initiate an HTTP POST request to the specified URL. * * @param url URL for initiating an HTTP request * @param newsData Additional data of the request * @returns */ export function httpRequestPost(url: string, newsData: NewsData) { return httpRequest(url, http.RequestMethod.POST, newsData); } /** * Initiates an HTTP request to a given URL. * * @param url URL for initiating an HTTP request * @param method Request method. * @param extraData Additional data of the request. * @returns Returns {@link ResponseResult}. */ function httpRequest(url: string, method: http.RequestMethod, params?: NewsData): Promise<ResponseResult> { let httpRequest = http.createHttp(); let responseResult = httpRequest.request(url, { method: method, readTimeout: Constants.HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT, header: { 'Content-Type': ContentType.JSON }, connectTimeout: Constants.HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT, extraData: params }); let serverData = new ResponseResult(); // Processes the data and returns. return responseResult.then((value: http.HttpResponse) => { if (value.responseCode === Constants.HTTP_CODE_200) { // Obtains the returned data. let result = `${value.result}`; let resultJson: ResponseResult = JSON.parse(result); if (resultJson.code === Constants.SERVER_CODE_SUCCESS) { serverData.data = resultJson.data; } serverData.code = resultJson.code; serverData.msg = resultJson.msg; } else { serverData.msg = `${$r('app.string.http_error_message')}&${value.responseCode}`; } return serverData; }).catch(() => { serverData.msg = $r('app.string.http_error_message'); return serverData; }); } |
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import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit'; const LOGGER_PREFIX: string = 'News Release'; class Logger { private domain: number; private prefix: string; // format Indicates the log format string. private format: string = '%{public}s, %{public}s'; /** * constructor. * * @param prefix Identifies the log tag. * @param domain Indicates the service domain, which is a hexadecimal integer ranging from 0x0 to 0xFFFFF * @param args Indicates the log parameters. */ constructor(prefix: string = '', domain: number = 0xFF00) { this.prefix = prefix; this.domain = domain; } debug(...args: string[]): void { hilog.debug(this.domain, this.prefix, this.format, args); } info(...args: string[]): void { hilog.info(this.domain, this.prefix, this.format, args); } warn(...args: string[]): void { hilog.warn(this.domain, this.prefix, this.format, args); } error(...args: string[]): void { hilog.error(this.domain, this.prefix, this.format, args); } } export default new Logger(LOGGER_PREFIX); |
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import { promptAction } from '@kit.ArkUI'; import Constants from '../constants/Constants'; export function showToast(msg: string | Resource) { promptAction.showToast({ message: msg, duration: Constants.ANIMATION_DURATION }); } |
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import { abilityAccessCtrl, AbilityConstant, UIAbility, Want } from '@kit.AbilityKit'; import { window } from '@kit.ArkUI'; import Logger from '../common/utils/Logger'; import { GlobalContext } from '../viewmodel/GlobalContext'; export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility { onCreate(want: Want, launchParam: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void { Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onCreate'); GlobalContext.getContext().setObject('abilityWant', want); } onDestroy(): void | Promise<void> { Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onDestroy'); } onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage): void { // Main window is created, set main page for this ability. Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onWindowStageCreate'); this.requestPermissions(); windowStage.loadContent('pages/MainPage', (err, data) => { if (err.code) { Logger.error('testTag', 'Failed to load the content. Cause: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(err) ?? ''); return; } Logger.info('testTag', 'Succeeded in loading the content. Data: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(data) ?? ''); }); } onWindowStageDestroy(): void { // Main window is destroyed, release UI related resources. Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onWindowStageDestroy'); } onForeground(): void { // Ability has brought to foreground. GlobalContext.getContext().setObject('isBackRouter', false); Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onForeground'); } onBackground(): void { // Ability has back to background. Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onBackground'); } private requestPermissions() { let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager(); atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(this.context, ['ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA']) .then((data) => { Logger.info('testTag', '%{public}s', `request permission data result: ${data}`); }) .catch((err: Error) => { Logger.error('testTag', '%{public}s', `fail to request permission error:${err}`) }); } } |
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import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; import NewsList from '../view/NewsList'; import { router } from '@kit.ArkUI'; import NewsTypeViewModel from '../viewmodel/NewsTypeViewModel'; import NewsTypeBean from '../viewmodel/NewsTypeModel'; import { GlobalContext } from '../viewmodel/GlobalContext'; /** * MainPage */ @Entry @Component struct MainPage { @State tabBarArray: NewsTypeBean[] = NewsTypeViewModel.getDefaultTypeList(); @State currentIndex: number = 0; @Builder TabBuilder(index: number) { Column() { Text(this.tabBarArray[index].name) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .fontSize(this.currentIndex === index ? $r('app.float.bar_selected_font') : $r('app.float.bar_normal_font')) .fontWeight(this.currentIndex === index ? Constants.TYPE_FONT_WEIGHT : Constants.DESC_FONT_WEIGHT) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) } .padding({ left: $r('app.float.normal_padding'), right: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .margin({ left: index === 0 ? $r('app.float.common_padding') : 0, right: index === this.tabBarArray.length - 1 ? $r('app.float.common_padding') : 0 }) } aboutToAppear() { // Request news category. NewsTypeViewModel.getNewsTypeList().then((typeList: NewsTypeBean[]) => { this.tabBarArray = typeList; }); } onPageShow() { if (GlobalContext.getContext().getObject('isBackRouter') === true) { GlobalContext.getContext().setObject('isBackRouter', false); let tempIndex = this.currentIndex; this.currentIndex = -1; this.currentIndex = tempIndex; } } build() { Stack() { Tabs() { ForEach(this.tabBarArray, (tabsItem: NewsTypeBean, index?: number) => { TabContent() { NewsList({ index, currentIndex: $currentIndex }) } .tabBar(this.TabBuilder(tabsItem.id)) }, (tabsItem: NewsTypeBean) => JSON.stringify(tabsItem)); } .barHeight($r('app.float.nav_height')) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .barMode(BarMode.Scrollable) .onChange((index: number) => { this.currentIndex = index; }) .vertical(false) Image($r('app.media.ic_add')) .width($r('app.float.btn_size')) .height($r('app.float.btn_size')) .margin({ bottom: $r('app.float.btn_margin'), right: $r('app.float.btn_margin') }) .onClick(() => { router.pushUrl({ url: 'pages/NewsAddPage' }); }) } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .alignContent(Alignment.BottomEnd) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.listColor')) } } |
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import { fileSelect, fileUpload } from '../common/utils/FileUtil' import Logger from '../common/utils/Logger' import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants' import { showToast } from '../common/utils/ToastUtil' import ResponseResult from '../viewmodel/ResponseResult' import { NewsData, NewsFile } from '../viewmodel/NewsData' import NewsViewModel from '../viewmodel/NewsViewModel' import { GlobalContext } from '../viewmodel/GlobalContext' import { router } from '@kit.ArkUI' @Entry @Component struct NewsAddPage { title: string = '' content: string = '' @State imageUri: string = '' @State isUploading: boolean = false selectImage() { Logger.info('selectImage') fileSelect().then((uri: string) => { Logger.info(uri) this.imageUri = uri || '' }) } uploadNewsData() { if (this.title === '') { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_no_title')) return } if (this.content === '') { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_no_content')) return } if (this.imageUri === '') { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_no_file')) return } this.isUploading = true let serverData = fileUpload(getContext(this), this.imageUri) serverData.then((data: ResponseResult) => { let imageUrl = data.data let newsFile = new NewsFile() newsFile.id = 0 newsFile.url = imageUrl newsFile.type = 0 newsFile.newsId = 0 let newsData: NewsData = new NewsData() newsData.title = this.title newsData.content = this.content newsData.imagesUrl = [newsFile] NewsViewModel.uploadNews(newsData).then(() => { this.isUploading = false GlobalContext.getContext().setObject('isBackRouter', true) router.back() }).catch(() => { this.isUploading = false showToast($r('app.string.upload_error_message')) }) }).catch(() => { this.isUploading = false showToast($r('app.string.upload_error_message')) }) } build() { Stack() { Navigation() { Column() { Column() { TextInput({ placeholder: $r('app.string.title_default_text') }) .textInputExtend() .onChange((value: string) => { this.title = value; }) Divider() .dividerExtend() TextArea({ placeholder: $r('app.string.content_default_text') }) .textAreaExtend() .onChange((value: string) => { this.content = value }) Scroll() { Row() { Image(this.imageUri ? this.imageUri : $r('app.media.ic_add_pic')) .addImageExtend() .onClick(() => this.selectImage()) } .imageRowExtend() } .scrollExtend() } .topColumnExtend() Button($r('app.string.release_btn')) .releaseButtonExtend() .onClick(() => this.uploadNewsData()) } .mainColumnExtend() } .navigationExtend() } } } @Extend(Navigation) function navigationExtend() { .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .title(Constants.RELEASE_TITLE) .titleMode(NavigationTitleMode.Mini) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.listColor')) } @Extend(Column) function mainColumnExtend() { .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceBetween) .padding({ left: $r('app.float.common_padding'), right: $r('app.float.common_padding'), bottom: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) } @Extend(Column) function topColumnExtend() { .borderRadius($r('app.float.edit_view_radius')) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) } @Extend(TextInput) function textInputExtend() { .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .placeholderFont({ size: $r('app.float.title_font') }) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height($r('app.float.input_height')) } @Extend(Divider) function dividerExtend() { .opacity($r('app.float.divider_opacity')) .color($r('app.color.title_color')) .width(Constants.DIVIDER_WIDTH) } @Extend(TextArea) function textAreaExtend() { .placeholderFont({ size: $r('app.float.title_font') }) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .height($r('app.float.area_height')) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .backgroundColor(Color.White) } @Extend(Scroll) function scrollExtend() { .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .align(Alignment.Start) .scrollable(ScrollDirection.Horizontal) } @Extend(Row) function imageRowExtend() { .padding($r('app.float.common_padding')) } @Extend(Image) function addImageExtend() { .width($r('app.float.img_size')) .height($r('app.float.img_size')) .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover) } @Extend(Button) function releaseButtonExtend() { .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .height($r('app.float.release_btn_height')) .width($r('app.float.release_btn_width')) .margin({ bottom: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) } |
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import { router } from '@kit.ArkUI'; import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; import { fileSelect, fileUpload } from '../common/utils/FileUtil'; import { NewsFile, NewsData } from '../viewmodel/NewsData'; import NewsViewModel from '../viewmodel/NewsViewModel'; import { showToast } from '../common/utils/ToastUtil'; import UploadingLayout from '../view/UploadingLayout'; import ResponseResult from '../viewmodel/ResponseResult'; import { GlobalContext } from '../viewmodel/GlobalContext'; /** * NewsEditPage. */ @Entry @Component struct NewsEditPage { title: string = ''; content: string = ''; @State imageUri: string = ''; @State isUploading: boolean = false; selectImage() { fileSelect().then((uri: string) => { this.imageUri = uri || ''; }); } uploadNewsData() { if (this.title === '') { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_no_title')); return; } if (this.content === '') { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_no_content')); return; } if (this.imageUri === '') { showToast($r('app.string.prompt_no_file')); return; } this.isUploading = true; let serverData = fileUpload(getContext(this), this.imageUri); serverData.then((data: ResponseResult) => { let imageUrl = data.data; let newsFile = new NewsFile(); newsFile.id = 0; newsFile.url = imageUrl; newsFile.type = 0; newsFile.newsId = 0; let newsData: NewsData = new NewsData(); newsData.title = this.title; newsData.content = this.content; newsData.imagesUrl = [newsFile]; NewsViewModel.uploadNews(newsData).then(() => { this.isUploading = false; GlobalContext.getContext().setObject('isBackRouter', true); router.back(); }).catch(() => { this.isUploading = false; showToast($r('app.string.upload_error_message')); }); }).catch(() => { this.isUploading = false; showToast($r('app.string.upload_error_message')); }); } build() { Stack() { Navigation() { Column() { Column() { TextInput({ placeholder: $r('app.string.title_default_text') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .placeholderFont({ size: $r('app.float.title_font') }) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .onChange((value: string) => { this.title = value; }) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height($r('app.float.input_height')) Divider() .opacity($r('app.float.divider_opacity')) .color($r('app.color.title_color')) .width(Constants.DIVIDER_WIDTH) TextArea({ placeholder: $r('app.string.content_default_text') }) .placeholderFont({ size: $r('app.float.title_font') }) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .height($r('app.float.area_height')) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .onChange((value: string) => { this.content = value; }) Scroll() { Row() { Image(this.imageUri ? this.imageUri : $r('app.media.ic_add_pic')) .width($r('app.float.img_size')) .height($r('app.float.img_size')) .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover) .onClick(() => this.selectImage()) } .padding($r('app.float.common_padding')) } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .scrollable(ScrollDirection.Horizontal) .align(Alignment.Start) } .borderRadius($r('app.float.edit_view_radius')) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) Button($r('app.string.release_btn')) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .height($r('app.float.release_btn_height')) .width($r('app.float.release_btn_width')) .margin({ bottom: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) .onClick(() => this.uploadNewsData()) } .padding({ left: $r('app.float.common_padding'), right: $r('app.float.common_padding'), bottom: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceBetween) } .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .title(Constants.RELEASE_TITLE) .titleMode(NavigationTitleMode.Mini) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.listColor')) if (this.isUploading) { UploadingLayout() } } } } |
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import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; @Component export default struct FailureLayout { reloadAction = () => {}; build() { Column() { Image($r('app.media.ic_none')) .height($r('app.float.no_data_img_size')) .width($r('app.float.no_data_img_size')) Text($r('app.string.page_none_msg')) .opacity($r('app.float.no_data_opacity')) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) Text($r('app.string.click_reload')) .opacity($r('app.float.no_data_opacity')) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .fontColor($r('app.color.color_index')) .padding($r('app.float.common_padding')) .onClick(this.reloadAction) } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) } } |
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import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; @Component export default struct LoadingLayout { build() { Row() { Image($r('app.media.ic_pull_up_load')) .width($r('app.float.refresh_img_size')) .height($r('app.float.refresh_img_size')) Text($r('app.string.pull_up_load_text')) .margin({ left: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height(Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) } } |
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import RefreshLoadingClass from '../viewmodel/RefreshLoadingClass'; import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; /** * The load more layout component. */ @Component export default struct LoadMoreLayout { @ObjectLink loadMoreLayoutClass: RefreshLoadingClass; build() { Row() { Image(this.loadMoreLayoutClass.imageSrc) .width($r('app.float.refresh_img_size')) .height($r('app.float.refresh_img_size')) Text(this.loadMoreLayoutClass.textValue) .margin({ left: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) } .clip(true) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .height(this.loadMoreLayoutClass.heightValue) } } |
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import { NewsData, NewsFile } from '../viewmodel/NewsData'; import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; /** * The news list item component. */ @Component export default struct NewsItem { newsData: NewsData = new NewsData(); build() { Column() { Row() { Image($r('app.media.ic_news')) .height($r('app.float.title_font')) .aspectRatio(Constants.TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO) Text(this.newsData?.title) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .layoutWeight(1) .maxLines(1) .lineHeight($r('app.float.title_line_height')) .fontFamily($r('app.string.harmony_hei_ti_medium')) .margin({ left: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) .fontWeight(Constants.TITLE_FONT_WEIGHT) } .alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) Text(this.newsData?.content) .fontSize($r('app.float.desc_font')) .fontFamily($r('app.string.harmony_hei_ti')) .opacity(Constants.DESC_OPACITY) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .lineHeight($r('app.float.desc_line_height')) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .maxLines(Constants.CONTENT_MAX_LINE) .fontWeight(Constants.DESC_FONT_WEIGHT) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) Row({ space: Constants.ITEM_IMG_SPACE }) { ForEach((this.newsData.imagesUrl), (itemImg: NewsFile) => { Image(Constants.SERVER + itemImg?.url) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .aspectRatio(1) .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover) .borderRadius($r('app.float.item_img_border_radius')) }, (itemImg: NewsFile) => JSON.stringify(itemImg)) } .clip(true) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height($r('app.float.item_img_size')) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) Text(this.newsData?.source) .fontSize($r('app.float.source_font')) .fontColor($r('app.color.fontColor_text2')) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) } .padding($r('app.float.common_padding')) } } |
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import NewsItem from './NewsItem'; import LoadMoreLayout from './LoadMoreLayout'; import RefreshLayout from './RefreshLayout'; import { NewsData } from '../viewmodel/NewsData'; import Constants, { PageState } from '../common/constants/Constants'; import NewsViewModel from '../viewmodel/NewsViewModel'; import { showToast } from '../common/utils/ToastUtil'; import FailureLayout from './FailureLayout'; import LoadingLayout from './LoadingLayout'; import NoMoreLayout from './NoMoreLayout'; import RefreshListViewModel from '../viewmodel/RefreshListViewModel'; /** * The news list component. */ @Component export default struct NewsList { index: number = 0; @Watch('changeCategory') @Link currentIndex: number; @State refreshStore: RefreshListViewModel = new RefreshListViewModel(); changeCategory() { if (this.currentIndex !== this.index) { return; } this.refreshStore.currentPage = 1; NewsViewModel.getNewsList(this.refreshStore.currentPage, this.refreshStore.pageSize).then((data: NewsData[]) => { this.refreshStore.pageState = PageState.Success; if (data.length === this.refreshStore.pageSize) { this.refreshStore.currentPage++; this.refreshStore.hasMore = true; } else { this.refreshStore.hasMore = false; } this.refreshStore.newsData = data; }).catch((err: string | Resource) => { showToast(err); this.refreshStore.pageState = PageState.Fail; }); } aboutToAppear() { // Load data. this.changeCategory(); } reloadAction() { this.refreshStore.pageState = PageState.Loading; this.changeCategory(); } build() { Column() { if (this.refreshStore.pageState === PageState.Loading) { LoadingLayout() } else if (this.refreshStore.pageState === PageState.Success) { this.ListLayout() } else { FailureLayout({ reloadAction: () => { this.reloadAction(); } }) } } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .onTouch((event?: TouchEvent) => { if (event) { if (this.refreshStore.pageState === PageState.Success) { this.refreshStore.listTouchEvent(event); } } }) } @Builder ListLayout() { List({ space: Constants.LIST_SPACE }) { ListItem() { RefreshLayout({ refreshLoadingClass: this.refreshStore.refreshLayoutClass }) } ForEach(this.refreshStore.newsData, (item: NewsData) => { ListItem() { NewsItem({ newsData: item }) } .backgroundColor($r('app.color.white')) .borderRadius($r('app.float.item_border_radius')) }, (item: NewsData, index?: number) => JSON.stringify(item) + index) ListItem() { if (this.refreshStore.hasMore) { LoadMoreLayout({ loadMoreLayoutClass: this.refreshStore.loadingMoreClass }) } else { NoMoreLayout() } } } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .padding({ left: $r('app.float.common_padding'), right: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) .backgroundColor($r('app.color.listColor')) .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.None) .onScrollIndex((start: number, end: number) => { // Listen to the first index of the current list. this.refreshStore.startIndex = start; this.refreshStore.endIndex = end; }) } } |
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/** * The No more data layout component. */ import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; @Component export default struct NoMoreLayout { build() { Row() { Text($r('app.string.prompt_message')) .margin({ left: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .height(Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT) } } |
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import RefreshLoadingClass from '../viewmodel/RefreshLoadingClass'; import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; /** * The refresh layout component. */ @Component export default struct RefreshLayout { @ObjectLink refreshLoadingClass: RefreshLoadingClass; build() { Row() { Image(this.refreshLoadingClass.imageSrc) .width($r('app.float.refresh_img_size')) .height($r('app.float.refresh_img_size')) Text(this.refreshLoadingClass.textValue) .margin({ left: $r('app.float.normal_padding') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) } .clip(true) .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .height(this.refreshLoadingClass.heightValue) } } |
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import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; @Component export default struct UploadingLayout { build() { Column() { Image($r('app.media.ic_pull_up_load')) .width($r('app.float.btn_size')) .height($r('app.float.btn_size')) Text($r('app.string.uploading_text')) .margin({ top: $r('app.float.common_padding') }) .fontSize($r('app.float.title_font')) .fontColor($r('app.color.title_color')) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) } .width(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .height(Constants.FULL_PERCENT) .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) } } |
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export class GlobalContext { private constructor() { } private static instance: GlobalContext; private _objects = new Map<string, Object>(); public static getContext(): GlobalContext { if (!GlobalContext.instance) { GlobalContext.instance = new GlobalContext(); } return GlobalContext.instance; } getObject(value: string): Object | undefined { return this._objects.get(value); } setObject(key: string, objectClass: Object): void { this._objects.set(key, objectClass); } } |
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/** * News list item info. */ export class NewsData { /** * News list item title. */ title: string = ''; /** * News list item content. */ content: string = ''; /** * News list item imagesUrl. */ imagesUrl: Array<NewsFile> = [new NewsFile()]; /** * News list item source. */ source: string = ''; } /** * News image list item info. */ export class NewsFile { /** * News image list item id. */ id: number = 0; /** * News image list item url. */ url: | Object | ArrayBuffer = ''; /** * News image list item type. */ type: number = 0; /** * News image list item newsId. */ newsId: number = 0; } |
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export default class NewsTypeBean { id: number; name: ResourceStr; constructor(id: number, name: ResourceStr) { this.id = id; this.name = name; } } |
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import NewsTypeBean from './NewsTypeModel' import ResponseResult from './ResponseResult'; import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; import { httpRequestGet } from '../common/utils/HttpUtil'; const DEFAULT_NEWS_TYPES: NewsTypeBean[] = [ new NewsTypeBean(0, $r('app.string.tab_all')), new NewsTypeBean(1, $r('app.string.tab_domestic')), new NewsTypeBean(2, $r('app.string.tab_international')), new NewsTypeBean(3, $r('app.string.tab_fun')), new NewsTypeBean(4, $r('app.string.tab_military')), new NewsTypeBean(5, $r('app.string.tab_sports')), new NewsTypeBean(6, $r('app.string.tab_science')) ]; class NewsTypeViewModel { /** * Get news type list from server. * * @return NewsTypeBean[] newsTypeList */ getNewsTypeList(): Promise<NewsTypeBean[]> { return new Promise((resolve: Function) => { let url = `${Constants.SERVER}/${Constants.GET_NEWS_TYPE}`; httpRequestGet(url).then((data: ResponseResult) => { if (data.code === Constants.SERVER_CODE_SUCCESS) { resolve(data.data); } else { resolve(DEFAULT_NEWS_TYPES); } }).catch(() => { resolve(DEFAULT_NEWS_TYPES); }); }); } /** * Get default news type list. * * @return NewsTypeBean[] newsTypeList */ getDefaultTypeList(): NewsTypeBean[] { return DEFAULT_NEWS_TYPES; } } let newsTypeViewModel = new NewsTypeViewModel(); export default newsTypeViewModel as NewsTypeViewModel; |
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import { NewsData } from './NewsData'; import ResponseResult from './ResponseResult'; import Constants from '../common/constants/Constants'; import { httpRequestGet, httpRequestPost } from '../common/utils/HttpUtil'; import Logger from '../common/utils/Logger'; class NewsViewModel { /** * Get news type list from server. * * @return NewsData[] newsDataList */ getNewsList(currentPage: number, pageSize: number): Promise<NewsData[]> { return new Promise(async (resolve: Function, reject: Function) => { let url = `${Constants.SERVER}/${Constants.GET_NEWS_LIST}`; url += '?currentPage=' + currentPage + '&pageSize=' + pageSize; httpRequestGet(url).then((data: ResponseResult) => { if (data.code === Constants.SERVER_CODE_SUCCESS) { resolve(data.data); } else { Logger.error('getNewsList failed', JSON.stringify(data)); reject($r('app.string.page_none_msg')); } }).catch((err: Error) => { Logger.error('getNewsList failed', JSON.stringify(err)); reject($r('app.string.http_error_message')); }); }); } /** * Upload news data. * * @param newsData * @returns NewsData[] newsDataList */ uploadNews(newsData: NewsData): Promise<NewsData[]> { return new Promise((resolve: Function, reject: Function) => { let url = `${Constants.SERVER}/${Constants.UPLOAD_NEWS}`; httpRequestPost(url, newsData).then((result: ResponseResult) => { if (result && result.code === Constants.SERVER_CODE_SUCCESS) { resolve(result.data); } else { reject($r('app.string.upload_error_message')); } }).catch((err: Error) => { Logger.error('uploadNews failed', JSON.stringify(err)); reject($r('app.string.upload_error_message')); }); }); } } let newsViewModel = new NewsViewModel(); export default newsViewModel as NewsViewModel; |
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import { promptAction } from '@kit.ArkUI'; import Constants, { RefreshState, RefreshConstant, PageState } from '../common/constants/Constants'; import NewsViewModel from './NewsViewModel'; import { NewsData } from './NewsData'; import RefreshLoadingClass from './RefreshLoadingClass'; @Observed export default class RefreshListViewModel { private downY = 0; private lastMoveY = 0; private isRefreshing: boolean = false; private isCanRefresh = false; private isPullRefreshOperation = false; private isLoading: boolean = false; private isCanLoadMore = false; public startIndex = 0; public endIndex = 0; public newsData: Array<NewsData> = []; public currentPage: number = 1; public pageSize: number = 4; public offsetY: number = 0; public hasMore: boolean = true; public refreshLayoutClass: RefreshLoadingClass = new RefreshLoadingClass($r('app.media.ic_pull_down_refresh'), $r('app.string.pull_down_refresh_text'), 0); public loadingMoreClass: RefreshLoadingClass = new RefreshLoadingClass($r('app.media.ic_pull_up_load'), $r('app.string.pull_up_load_text'), 0); public pageState: number = PageState.Loading; listTouchEvent(event: TouchEvent) { switch (event.type) { case TouchType.Down: this.downY = event.touches[0].y; this.lastMoveY = event.touches[0].y; break; case TouchType.Move: if (this.isRefreshing || this.isLoading) { return; } let isDownPull = event.touches[0].y - this.lastMoveY > 0; if ((isDownPull || this.isPullRefreshOperation) && !this.isCanLoadMore) { // Touch move pull refresh. this.touchMovePullRefresh(event); } else { // Touch move load more. this.touchMoveLoadMore(event); } this.lastMoveY = event.touches[0].y; break; case TouchType.Cancel: break; case TouchType.Up: if (this.isRefreshing || this.isLoading) { return; } if (this.isPullRefreshOperation) { // Touch up pull refresh. this.touchUpPullRefresh(); } else { // Touch up load more. this.touchUpLoadMore(); } break; default: break; } } touchMovePullRefresh(event: TouchEvent) { if (this.startIndex === 0) { this.isPullRefreshOperation = true; let height = vp2px(Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT); this.offsetY = event.touches[0].y - this.downY; // Check offsetY to Refresh. if (this.offsetY >= height) { this.pullRefreshState(RefreshState.Release); this.offsetY = height + this.offsetY * Constants.Y_OFF_SET_COEFFICIENT; } else { this.pullRefreshState(RefreshState.DropDown); } if (this.offsetY < 0) { this.offsetY = 0; this.isPullRefreshOperation = false; } } } touchUpPullRefresh() { if (this.isCanRefresh) { this.offsetY = vp2px(Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT); this.pullRefreshState(RefreshState.Refreshing); this.currentPage = 1; setTimeout(() => { NewsViewModel.getNewsList(this.currentPage, this.pageSize).then((data: NewsData[]) => { if (data.length === this.pageSize) { this.currentPage++; this.hasMore = true; } else { this.hasMore = false; } this.newsData = data; this.closeRefresh(true); }).catch((errMsg: string | Resource) => { promptAction.showToast({ message: errMsg }); this.closeRefresh(false); }) }, Constants.DELAY_TIME); } else { this.closeRefresh(false); } } pullRefreshState(state: number) { switch (state) { case RefreshState.DropDown: this.isCanRefresh = false; this.isRefreshing = false; this.refreshLayoutClass = new RefreshLoadingClass($r('app.media.ic_pull_down_refresh'), $r('app.string.pull_down_refresh_text'), Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT) break; case RefreshState.Release: this.refreshLayoutClass.imageSrc = $r('app.media.ic_pull_up_refresh'); this.refreshLayoutClass.textValue = $r('app.string.release_refresh_text'); this.isCanRefresh = true; this.isRefreshing = false; break; case RefreshState.Refreshing: this.offsetY = vp2px(this.refreshLayoutClass.heightValue); this.refreshLayoutClass.imageSrc = $r('app.media.ic_pull_up_load'); this.refreshLayoutClass.textValue = $r('app.string.refreshing_text'); this.isCanRefresh = true; this.isRefreshing = true; break; case RefreshState.Success: this.refreshLayoutClass.imageSrc = $r('app.media.ic_succeed_refresh'); this.refreshLayoutClass.textValue = $r('app.string.refresh_success_text'); this.isCanRefresh = true; this.isRefreshing = true; break; case RefreshState.Fail: this.refreshLayoutClass.imageSrc = $r('app.media.ic_fail_refresh'); this.refreshLayoutClass.textValue = $r('app.string.refresh_fail_text'); this.isCanRefresh = true; this.isRefreshing = true; break; default: break; } } closeRefresh(isRefreshSuccess: boolean) { setTimeout(() => { let delay = RefreshConstant.DELAY_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH; if (this.isCanRefresh) { this.pullRefreshState(isRefreshSuccess ? RefreshState.Success : RefreshState.Fail); delay = RefreshConstant.DELAY_SHRINK_ANIMATION_TIME; } animateTo({ duration: RefreshConstant.CLOSE_PULL_DOWN_REFRESH_TIME, delay: delay, onFinish: () => { this.pullRefreshState(RefreshState.DropDown); this.refreshLayoutClass.heightValue = 0; this.isPullRefreshOperation = false; } }, () => { this.offsetY = 0; }); }, this.isCanRefresh ? Constants.DELAY_ANIMATION_DURATION : 0); } touchMoveLoadMore(event: TouchEvent) { if (this.endIndex >= this.newsData.length - 1) { this.offsetY = event.touches[0].y - this.downY; if (Math.abs(this.offsetY) > vp2px(Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT) / 2) { this.isCanLoadMore = true; this.loadingMoreClass.heightValue = Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT; this.offsetY = -vp2px(Constants.CUSTOM_LAYOUT_HEIGHT) + this.offsetY * Constants.Y_OFF_SET_COEFFICIENT; } } } touchUpLoadMore() { if (this.isCanLoadMore && this.hasMore) { this.isLoading = true; setTimeout(() => { NewsViewModel.getNewsList(this.currentPage, this.pageSize).then((data: NewsData[]) => { if (data.length === this.pageSize) { this.currentPage++; this.hasMore = true; } else { this.hasMore = false; } this.newsData = this.newsData.concat(data); }).catch((errMsg: string | Resource) => { promptAction.showToast({ message: errMsg }); }) this.closeLoadMore(); }, Constants.DELAY_TIME); } else { this.closeLoadMore(); } } closeLoadMore() { this.isCanLoadMore = false; this.isLoading = false; this.loadingMoreClass.heightValue = 0; } } |
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/** * Custom refresh load layout data. */ @Observed export default class RefreshLoadingClass { /** * Custom refresh load layout imageSrc. */ imageSrc: Resource; /** * Custom refresh load layout textValue. */ textValue: Resource; /** * Custom refresh load layout heightValue. */ heightValue: number; constructor(imageSrc: Resource, textValue: Resource, heightValue: number) { this.imageSrc = imageSrc; this.textValue = textValue; this.heightValue = heightValue; } } |
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/** * Data returned by the network request. */ export default class ResponseResult { /** * Code returned by the network request: success, fail. */ code: string; /** * Message returned by the network request. */ msg: string | Resource; /** * Data returned by the network request. */ data: string | Object | ArrayBuffer; constructor() { this.code = ''; this.msg = ''; this.data = ''; } } |
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{ "module": { "name": "entry", "type": "entry", "description": "$string:module_desc", "mainElement": "EntryAbility", "deviceTypes": [ "phone" ], "deliveryWithInstall": true, "installationFree": false, "pages": "$profile:main_pages", "abilities": [ { "name": "EntryAbility", "srcEntry": "./ets/entryability/EntryAbility.ets", "description": "$string:EntryAbility_desc", "icon": "$media:icon", "label": "$string:EntryAbility_label", "startWindowIcon": "$media:icon", "startWindowBackground": "$color:start_window_background", "exported": true, "skills": [ { "entities": [ "entity.system.home" ], "actions": [ "action.system.home" ] } ] } ], "requestPermissions": [ { "name": "ohos.permission.INTERNET", "reason": "$string:reason", "usedScene": { "abilities": [ "EntryAbility" ], "when": "inuse" } } ] } } |
- HarmonyOS第一课05:案例
- HarmonyOS第一课05:应用架构设计基础——MVVM模式
- HarmonyOS第一课05:应用架构设计基础——三层架构
- HarmonyOS第一课06:ArkWeb页面适配
- HarmonyOS第一课06:通过结构化数据构建页面
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import { QuickStartPage } from '@ohos/quickstart' import { CourseLearning } from '@ohos/learning' import { KnowledgeMap } from '@ohos/map' @Entry @Component struct Index { @State currentIndex: number = 0 private tabsController: TabsController = new TabsController() @Builder tabBarBuilder(title: string, targetIndex: number, selectedIcon: Resource, unselectIcon: Resource) { Column() { Image(this.currentIndex === targetIndex ? selectedIcon : unselectIcon) .width(24) .height(24) Text(title) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Medium') .fontSize(10) .fontColor(this.currentIndex === targetIndex ? '#0A59F7' : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)') .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) .lineHeight(14) .fontWeight(500) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center) .onClick(() => { this.currentIndex = targetIndex this.tabsController.changeIndex(targetIndex) }) } build() { Tabs({ barPosition: BarPosition.End, controller: this.tabsController }) { TabContent() { QuickStartPage() } .tabBar(this.tabBarBuilder('快速入门', 0, $r('app.media.ic_01_on'), $r('app.media.ic_01_off'))) TabContent() { CourseLearning() } .tabBar(this.tabBarBuilder('课程学习', 1, $r('app.media.ic_02_on'), $r('app.media.ic_02_off'))) TabContent() { KnowledgeMap() } .tabBar(this.tabBarBuilder('知识地图', 2, $r('app.media.ic_03_on'), $r('app.media.ic_03_off'))) } .scrollable(false) .vertical(false) .divider({ strokeWidth: 0.5, color: '#0D182431' }) .backgroundColor('#F1F3F5') .padding({ top: 36, bottom: 28 }) } } |
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import { NavBarItemType, NavBarItem } from '../view/NavBarItem' import { KnowledgeMapContent, Section } from '../view/KnowledgeMapContent' import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit' import { util } from '@kit.ArkTS' @Component export struct KnowledgeMap { @State navBarList: NavBarItemType[] = [ { order: '01', title: '准备与学习' }, { order: '02', title: '构建应用' }, { order: '03', title: '应用测试' }, { order: '04', title: '上架' }, { order: '05', title: '运营增长' }, { order: '06', title: '商业变现' }, { order: '07', title: '更多' } ] @State sections: Section[] = [] @Provide('knowledgeMapPageStack') knowledgeMapPageStack: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack() @State currentNavBarIndex: number = -1 @Builder PageMap(name: string) { if (name === 'KnowledgeMapContent') { KnowledgeMapContent({ section: this.sections[this.currentNavBarIndex] }) } } private getSections() { try { getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFileContent("MapData.json", (error: BusinessError, value: Uint8Array) => { const textDecoder = util.TextDecoder.create('utf-8') const res = textDecoder.decodeWithStream(value, { stream: false }) this.sections = JSON.parse(res) }) } catch (error) { console.error(`callback getRawFileContent failed, error is ${JSON.stringify(error)}`) } } aboutToAppear(): void { this.getSections() } build() { Navigation(this.knowledgeMapPageStack) { Scroll() { Column() { Text('知识地图') .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Bold') .fontSize(24) .fontColor(Color.Black) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .lineHeight(33) .fontWeight(700) .width('100%') Image($r('app.media.knowledge_map_banner')) .width('100%') .borderRadius(16) .margin({ top: 19, bottom: 8 }) Text('通过循序渐进的学习路径,无经验和有经验的开发者都可以轻松掌握ArkTS语言声明式开发范式,体验更简洁、更友好的HarmonyOS应用开发旅程。') .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiti') .fontSize(14) .fontColor('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)') .fontWeight(400) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) List({ space: 12 }) { ForEach(this.navBarList, (item: NavBarItemType, index: number) => { ListItem() { NavBarItem({ navBarItem: item, currentNavBarIndex: this.currentNavBarIndex }) } .width('100%') }, (item: NavBarItemType): string => item.title) } .width('100%') .margin({ top: 24 }) } .padding({ top: 12, right: 16, bottom: 12, left: 16 }) .backgroundColor("#F1F3F5") } .backgroundColor('#F1F3F5') .align(Alignment.TopStart) .constraintSize({ minHeight: '100%' }) .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.Spring) } .hideTitleBar(true) .navDestination(this.PageMap) .mode(NavigationMode.Stack) } } |
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interface KnowledgeBaseItem { type: string, title: string } interface Material { subtitle: string, knowledgeBase: KnowledgeBaseItem[] } export interface Section { title: string, brief: string, materials: Material[] } const TypeMapIcon: Record<string, string> = { '指南': 'app.media.ic_guide', '准备': 'app.media.ic_prepare', '学习与获取证书': 'app.media.ic_medals', '视频教程': 'app.media.ic_video' } @Component export struct KnowledgeMapContent { @Prop section: Section @Builder KnowledgeBlockLine(knowledgeBaseItem: KnowledgeBaseItem) { Row() { Image($r(TypeMapIcon[knowledgeBaseItem.type])) .width(20) .height(20) Column() { Text(knowledgeBaseItem.title) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Medium') .fontSize(16) .fontWeight(500) Text(knowledgeBaseItem.type) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi') .fontSize(14) .fontWeight(400) } .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) .margin({ left: 18 }) Blank() Image($r('app.media.ic_arrow')) .width(12) .height(24) } .width('100%') .height(64) .alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center) } @Builder KnowledgeBlock(material: Material) { Column() { Text(material.subtitle) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Medium') .fontSize(14) .fontWeight(500) .margin({ bottom: 8 }) List({ space: 12 }) { ForEach(material.knowledgeBase, (item: KnowledgeBaseItem, index: number) => { ListItem() { this.KnowledgeBlockLine(item) } }, (item: KnowledgeBaseItem, index: number) => item.title) } .backgroundColor(Color.White) .borderRadius(16) .padding({ left: 12, right: 12 }) .divider({ strokeWidth: 0.5, startMargin: 38, endMargin: 0, color: '#F2F2F2' }) } .width('100%') .margin({ top: 28 }) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) } build() { NavDestination() { Scroll() { Column() { Text(this.section.title) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Bold') .fontSize(20) .fontWeight(700) .fontColor(Color.Black) Text(this.section.brief) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi') .fontSize(12) .fontColor('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)') .textAlign(TextAlign.JUSTIFY) .fontWeight(400) .margin({ top: 12 }) ForEach(this.section.materials, (material: Material) => { this.KnowledgeBlock(material) }, (material: Material, index: number) => material.subtitle) } .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) .padding({ top: 12, left: 16, bottom: 12, right: 16 }) .backgroundColor('#F1F3F5') .width('100%') } .align(Alignment.TopStart) .constraintSize({ minHeight: '100%' }) .edgeEffect(EdgeEffect.Spring) .scrollable(ScrollDirection.Vertical) .scrollBar(BarState.Auto) .backgroundColor('#F1F3F5') } .hideTitleBar(true) } } |
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export interface NavBarItemType { order: string title: string } @Component export struct NavBarItem { @Prop navBarItem: NavBarItemType @Consume('knowledgeMapPageStack') knowledgeMapPageStack: NavPathStack @Link currentNavBarIndex: number build() { Row() { Text(this.navBarItem.order) .margin({ right: 6 }) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiti-Bold') .fontSize(21) .fontColor('#182431') .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .lineHeight(22) .fontWeight(700) Text(this.navBarItem.title) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiti-Medium') .fontSize(16) .fontColor('#182431') .lineHeight(22) .fontWeight(500) Blank() Image($r('app.media.ic_arrow')) .width(12) .height(24) } .width('100%') .height(48) .borderRadius(16) .alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center) .padding({ left: 12, right: 12 }) .backgroundColor( this.currentNavBarIndex === Number(this.navBarItem.order) - 1 ? '#1A0A59F7' : Color.Transparent ) .onClick(() => { const index = Number(this.navBarItem.order) - 1 this.currentNavBarIndex = index this.knowledgeMapPageStack.replacePath({ name: 'KnowledgeMapContent' }) }) } } |
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import { TutorialView } from '../view/TutorialView' import { Banner } from '../view/Banner' import { EnablementView } from '../view/EnablementView' import { ArticleClass } from '../model/ArticleClass' import { BannerClass } from '../model/BannerClass' import { ArticleDetailPage } from './ArticleDetailPage' import { BannerDetailPage } from './BannerDetailPage' @Component export struct QuickStartPage { @State message: string = '快速入门' @Provide('articlePathStack') articlePathStack: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack() @Builder quickStartRouter(name: string, param?: ArticleClass | BannerClass) { if (name === 'articleDetail') { ArticleDetailPage() } else if (name === 'bannerDetailPage') { BannerDetailPage() } } build() { Navigation(this.articlePathStack) { Column() { Text(this.message) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Bold') .fontSize(24) .fontWeight(700) .lineHeight(33) .width('100%') .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .margin({ left: 16 }) Scroll() { Column() { Banner() EnablementView() TutorialView() } } .layoutWeight(1) .scrollBar(BarState.Off) .align(Alignment.TopStart) } .height('100%') .width('100%') .backgroundColor('#F1F3F5') } .navDestination(this.quickStartRouter) .hideTitleBar(true) .mode(NavigationMode.Stack) } } |
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import { ArticleClass } from '../model/ArticleClass' import { webview } from '@kit.ArkWeb' @Preview @Component export struct ArticleDetailPage { @State articleDetail: ArticleClass | null = null @Consume('articlePathStack') articlePathStack: NavPathStack aboutToAppear(): void { this.articleDetail = this.articlePathStack.getParamByName('articleDetail')[0] as ArticleClass } build() { NavDestination() { Column() { Row() { Row() { Image($r('app.media.ic_back')) .width(40) .height(40) .onClick(() => { this.articlePathStack.pop() }) Row() { Text(this.articleDetail?.title) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-Bold') .fontSize(20) .textAlign(TextAlign.Center) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) .maxLines(1) .fontWeight(700) .margin({ left: 8 }) } } .width('80%') } .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceBetween) .width('100%') .height(56) WebComponent({ articleDetail: this.articleDetail }) } .padding({ left: 16, right: 16 }) .width('100%') .width('100%') .height('100%') .justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceBetween) } .hideTitleBar(true) } } @Component struct WebComponent { @Prop articleDetail: ArticleClass | null private webviewController: webview.WebviewController = new webview.WebviewController() build() { Column() { Web({ src: this.articleDetail?.webUrl, controller: this.webviewController }) .darkMode(WebDarkMode.Auto) .domStorageAccess(true) .zoomAccess(true) .fileAccess(true) .mixedMode(MixedMode.All) .cacheMode(CacheMode.None) .javaScriptAccess(true) .width('100%') .layoutWeight(1) } } } |
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import { BannerClass } from '../model/BannerClass' import { webview } from '@kit.ArkWeb' @Component export struct BannerDetailPage { @State bannerClass: BannerClass | null = null controller: webview.WebviewController = new webview.WebviewController() @Consume('articlePathStack') articlePathStack: NavPathStack aboutToAppear(): void { this.bannerClass = this.articlePathStack.getParamByName('bannerDetailPage')[0] as BannerClass } build() { NavDestination() { Column() { Web({ src: this.bannerClass?.url, controller: this.controller }) .darkMode(WebDarkMode.Auto) .domStorageAccess(true) .zoomAccess(true) .fileAccess(true) .mixedMode(MixedMode.All) .javaScriptAccess(true) .width('100%') .layoutWeight(1) } } .width('100%') .height('100%') } } |
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import { BannerClass } from '../model/BannerClass' import { bufferToString } from '../util/BufferUtil' @Preview @Component export struct Banner { @State bannerList: BannerClass[] = [] @Consume('articlePathStack') articlePathStack: NavPathStack getBannerDataFromJSON() { getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFileContent('BannerData.json').then(value => { // 获取buffer内容 // let buffer: ArrayBufferLike = value.buffer // 转换为字符串 // let res: string = bufferToString(buffer) // 解析为数据结构 // this.bannerList = JSON.parse(res) as BannerClass[] // 简写 this.bannerList = JSON.parse(bufferToString(value.buffer)) as BannerClass[] }) } aboutToAppear(): void { this.getBannerDataFromJSON() } build() { Swiper() { ForEach(this.bannerList, (item: BannerClass, index: number) => { Image($r(item.imageSrc)) .objectFit(ImageFit.Contain) .width('100%') .padding({ top: 11, left: 16, right: 16 }) .borderRadius(16) .onClick(() => { this.articlePathStack.pushPathByName('bannerDetailPage', item) }) }, (item: BannerClass, index: number) => item.id) } .autoPlay(true) .loop(true) .indicator( new DotIndicator() .color('#1a000000') .selectedColor('#0A59F7') ) } } |
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import { ArticleClass } from '../model/ArticleClass' import { bufferToString } from '../util/BufferUtil' @Component struct EnablementItem { @Prop enablementItem: ArticleClass build() { Column() { Image($r(this.enablementItem.imageSrc)) .width('100%') .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover) .height(96) .borderRadius({ topLeft: 16, topRight: 16 }) Text(this.enablementItem.title) .height(19) .width('100%') .fontSize(14) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) .maxLines(1) .fontWeight(400) .padding({ left: 12, right: 12 }) .margin({ top: 8 }) Text(this.enablementItem.brief) .height(32) .width('100%') .fontSize(12) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) .maxLines(2) .fontWeight(400) .fontColor('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)') .padding({ left: 12, right: 12 }) .margin({ top: 2 }) } .width(160) .height(169) .borderRadius(16) .backgroundColor(Color.White) } } @Preview @Component export struct EnablementView { @State enablementList: Array<ArticleClass> = [] @Consume('articlePathStack') articlePathStack: NavPathStack aboutToAppear(): void { this.getEnablementDataFromJSON() } getEnablementDataFromJSON() { getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFileContent('EnablementData.json').then(value => { this.enablementList = JSON.parse(bufferToString(value.buffer)) as ArticleClass[] }) } build() { Column() { Text('赋能套件') .width('100%') .fontColor('#182431') .fontSize(16) .fontWeight(500) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-medium') .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .padding({ left: 16 }) .margin({ bottom: 8.5 }) Grid() { ForEach(this.enablementList, (item: ArticleClass) => { GridItem() { EnablementItem({ enablementItem: item }) .onClick(() => { this.articlePathStack.pushPathByName('articleDetail', item) }) } }, (item: ArticleClass) => item.id) } .rowsTemplate('1fr') .columnsGap(8) .scrollBar(BarState.Off) .height(169) .padding({ top: 2, left: 16, right: 16 }) } .width('100%') .margin({ top: 18 }) } } |
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import { ArticleClass } from '../model/ArticleClass' import { bufferToString } from '../util/BufferUtil' @Component struct TutorialItem { @Prop tutorialItem: ArticleClass build() { Row() { Column() { Text(this.tutorialItem.title) .height(19) .width('100%') .fontSize(14) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) .maxLines(1) .fontWeight(400) .margin({ top: 4 }) Text(this.tutorialItem.brief) .height(32) .width('100%') .fontSize(12) .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .textOverflow({ overflow: TextOverflow.Ellipsis }) .maxLines(2) .fontWeight(400) .fontColor('rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)') .margin({ top: 5 }) } .height('100%') .layoutWeight(1) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) .margin({ right: 12 }) Image($r(this.tutorialItem.imageSrc)) .height(64) .width(108) .objectFit(ImageFit.Cover) .borderRadius(16) } .width('100%') .height(88) .borderRadius(16) .backgroundColor(Color.White) .padding(12) .alignItems(VerticalAlign.Top) } } @Preview @Component export struct TutorialView { @State tutorialList: Array<ArticleClass> = [] @Consume('articlePathStack') articlePathStack: NavPathStack aboutToAppear(): void { this.getTutorialDataFromJSON() } getTutorialDataFromJSON() { getContext(this).resourceManager.getRawFileContent('TutorialData.json').then(value => { this.tutorialList = JSON.parse(bufferToString(value.buffer)) as ArticleClass[] }) } build() { Column() { Text('入门教程') .fontColor('#182431') .fontSize(16) .fontWeight(500) .fontFamily('HarmonyHeiTi-medium') .textAlign(TextAlign.Start) .padding({ left: 16 }) .margin({ bottom: 8.5 }) List({ space: 12 }) { ForEach(this.tutorialList, (item: ArticleClass) => { ListItem() { TutorialItem({ tutorialItem: item }) .onClick(() => { this.articlePathStack.pushPathByName('articleDetail', item) }) } }, (item: ArticleClass) => item.id) } .scrollBar(BarState.Off) .padding({ left: 16, right: 16 }) } .width('100%') .margin({ top: 18 }) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Start) } } |